Bananas in Martinique, an economic pillar

Martinique, known as the "Island of Flowers," is famous for its banana cultivation, which remains our main agricultural production. This fruit, now a symbol of our island, is the largest employer in Martinique, supporting thousands of families and playing a crucial role in our local economy. Thanks to our four plantations, located in the Center and North of the island, we export nearly 14,000 tons of dessert bananas each year, showcasing our unique expertise.

La banane, symbole de la vitalité économique de la Martinique, joue un rôle essentiel dans le développement agricole et l'exportation des produits locaux.
Bananas, the engine of Martinique's economy.
Les terres volcaniques de la Martinique, riches et fertiles, permettent une culture responsable et respectueuse de l’environnement, garantissant des produits de qualité.
Volcanic lands, responsible cultivation.

Our environmental and sustainable approach

Our passion for agriculture goes beyond bananas. We also grow other fruits, such as delicious avocados and pitayas, also known as dragon fruit. Our commitment to sustainable agriculture is based on the respectful management of land and resources. Regular rainfall, combined with daily sunshine, nourishes our crops on volcanic soil. These brown andic soils, rich in organic matter, give our fruits a unique taste. Moreover, we practice fallowing our plots, which helps naturally restore the soil and limits pesticide use to a strict minimum. Every step of our production is guided by the desire to preserve the balance between man and nature.

The uniqueness of our authentic fruits

What makes our bananas so special is the volcanic soil of Martinique. Nourished by a rich soil and bathed by the trade winds, our bananas offer an exceptional taste and unparalleled quality. By tasting our fruits, you immerse yourself in the authenticity and richness of our island. Each tasting experience tells the story of know-how passed down through generations, a commitment to nature, and a passion for agriculture.

Un goût unique, résultat d’un savoir-faire transmis de génération en génération, pour offrir une banane d’exception, reconnue pour sa qualité et sa saveur incomparable.
A unique taste, the fruit of craftsmanship.


Hectares of agricultural land


Agricultural collaborators

14 000

Tonnes of dessert bananas exported per year

Discover our other business sectors

  • Le secteur automobile du Groupe Pierre de Reynal, un acteur clé dans l’importation et la distribution de pièces et équipements, au service de la mobilité et de la performance.


    Each vehicle we service reflects a century-old know-how. For over a century, we have been offering our expertise to motorists in the Caribbean, providing comprehensive solutions ranging from equipment installation to preventive maintenance, ensuring the safety and satisfaction of our customers.

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  • Le secteur de la communication du Groupe Pierre de Reynal met en avant une approche créative et stratégique pour renforcer la visibilité et l’engagement des marques dans un environnement numérique en constante évolution.


    A key player in visual communication in the Caribbean for over 40 years, we offer innovative and customized printing solutions, ranging from digital printing to signage, ensuring tailored support to bring your communication projects to life.

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  • Dans l’immobilier, le Groupe Pierre de Reynal participe activement au développement de projets durables, alliant innovation et qualité pour répondre aux besoins croissants des territoires.

    Real estate

    Each rental space is a growth driver. For years, we have been helping businesses find offices, warehouses, and commercial properties suited to their needs. We are also involved in residential real estate development, creating homes designed to meet the expectations of today.

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  • À travers l’informatique, le Groupe Pierre de Reynal accompagne la transformation digitale des entreprises, offrant des solutions sur-mesure pour répondre aux défis technologiques actuels.


    We develop tailor-made IT solutions that optimize your processes, secure your data, and support your growth. With personalized guidance and responsive support, we help you achieve your goals with confidence.

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Explore all aspects of our group

Le Groupe Pierre de Reynal, un acteur historique et innovant, présent aux Antilles-Guyane et en Métropole, engagé dans la croissance des territoires.

Our group

We are a century-old family business driven by a mission: to serve and evolve alongside the people of our society.

Les entreprises du Groupe Pierre de Reynal, présentes dans des domaines variés, contribuent à l'essor des territoires tout en maintenant une excellence opérationnelle.

Our companies

Each of our subsidiaries contributes to our success with its expertise, solutions, and commitment to our shared values. Together, they form a strong and complementary ecosystem.

Le Groupe Pierre de Reynal, un employeur engagé, offre des opportunités de carrière stimulantes pour ceux qui partagent ses valeurs d’esprit d’équipe et d’ambition.


Join a growing group that values passionate and committed talents. Join us to build a promising future together!